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Basketball Photo Shoot

This past Sunday, October 22, 2017, I was privileged with the opportunity to go on a photo shoot with the talented Patrick Michael Sheehan from P.M.S. Television. Patrick is a Teacher, Actor and Model from South Florida.

Patrick grew up in New England, such as myself, and was always a big sports fan. His love for sports is what gave us the idea of this awesome photo shoot. We decided to really narrow things down, so we picked a basketball theme for this photo session. Basketball just so happens to be a sport we both grew up enjoying and playing as kids and young adults.

Since we decided on a basketball theme for this shoot, we met up at the only logical place, a public basketball court near our local area. This type of shoot was something I've never really done before, but the idea was something I really enjoyed, and it was right up my alley!

When I photograph events, I really like to focus on all the detailed shots. In this photo shoot we were able to have props which filled in as the details, and was one thing I really enjoyed having as a part this shoot. In this case the props were the basketball as well as all the different aspects of the basketball court itself. For example, in this shot, as well as the photo above, I was really able to use the basketball to create some interesting shots. With the basketball I was able to have multiple points of focus and many different angles to shoot from when I was setting up my shots; which all made sense with the prop in place.

As I said, there were also many aspects of the court itself I was able to use as small details in shots or as a background in the shot. I took advantage of this in most of my framing. In these photos below I was able to use the basketball hoop as an interesting background in the frame. The basket reminds the viewer of the theme of the photo as well as adding a little bit of interest without being too distracting from the model.

This photo also uses the basketball hoop in the background, however, if we were able to shoot at an indoor basketball court I would have liked to incorporate the lines on the court to my advantage as well. If the lines on this court weren't faded I would have liked

to use them as leading lines in framing the shot. This would have directed the viewers eyes to the model. For example, I could have placed the model in the center of the court. The half-court line as well as the circle in the middle of the court would have attracted the viewers eyes to the model in that situation. Another thing I could have done in that case, which I'm a little bit disapointed about, is placing the model at the tip of the 3-point line. I could have shot the model at an angle from the hoop. All the lines in that situation would have brought the viewers eyes to the model while keeping the basket visible in the background from the opposite end of the court. I am still however satisfied with the shots I was able to get from this outdoor court. I was able to capture the ruggedness of the court which I couldn't have achieved if we were at an indoor basketball court.

I hope you enjoyed my insight and sneak peak inside this basketball themed photo shoot. I have hopes of participating in many more modelling photo shoots in the future, so stay-tuned for more to come!

Thank you once again to Patrick Micheal Sheehan for joining me on this shoot! If you are also interesting in booking a photo shoot with me I would love to hear from you! My contact information can be found here. Thank you for taking the time to enjoy reading my blog! I hope to see you again on the next one!

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